Kai Oelfke

Current Projects

String Catalog Translator

String Catalog Translator helps developers enter new markets by localizing apps with AI in minutes.


Fasty is a simple, but powerful intermittent fasting tracker for iPhone and Apple Watch devices.


Amicu is an iOS contact manager app with reminders to keep in touch.

Past Projects

No More Facebook

Privacy-friendly alternatives for Facebook products.


I made this website with Carrd (referral) for a friend.


A Ruby on Rails app to efficiently find Tier Point deals for British Airways frequent fliers.

Alumni DB for JA Alumni

Alumni DB is an alumni membership management and event management platform for JA Alumni. It was developed as a university software project by Ahmed Issa, Can Göktas and me.

The frontend is developed with Angular.JS.

The backend is developed with Ruby on Rails.

Changing Lives iOS app for JA Alumni

The idea of the Changing Lives campaign is to go back to school to speak about the JA experience. After a speech, a photo of the audience is uploaded to the campaign website including the count of people reached. The iOS app allowed doing this without using the website. The campaign inspired more than 100.000 students.


PufferCalc is an iOS app to calculate pH values of acids and bases combined with chemical buffers. Titrations can be simulated and charted.

This was my first iOS project, where I taught myself app development.